IMHAANZ is a national charity supporting professionals who work with infants and their families.
We are delighted to announce the launch of the partnership between The Association for Infant Mental Health UK (AiMH UK) and The Infant Mental Health Association of Aotearoa New Zealand (IMHAANZ).
Members of IMHAANZ now also have membership to AiMH UK and can access a wealth of resources and events run by AiMH UK.
President, Jane Barlow and Chief Operating Officer, Lin Carruthers welcomed this wonderful opportunity to collaborate with IMHAANZ and to support their members with the crucial work they carry out across New Zealand. Jane Barlow said, ‘We are absolutely thrilled to be sharing the AIMH UK resources with members of IMHAANZ and to be learning together about our different approaches to working to promote IMH, During 2023 we are hoping to run a joint conference for our infant mental communities’.
‘Our mission is to promote understanding of why infant mental health (IMH) is important, and to support the continuing professional development of all practitioners, early years workers, educators and students working to improve outcomes for parents, babies and toddlers’.
AiMH UK, which was founded in 1996 and is an affiliate of the World Association for infant mental health (WAIMH), is a not-for-profit organisation and our primary function is to contribute to the raising of standards of IMH practice. We do this by offering resources, CPD events and access to local hubs, which support the UK community of infant mental health practitioners and early years workers to increase their knowledge and skills in infant mental health.
AiMH UK advocates for babies by engaging with government and other national / international organisations and forums, and supports all practitioners working across the perinatal period and early years.
By joining AiMH UK practitioners will be able to develop their knowledge, skills and confidence in IMH, access a wealth of specialist information on the AiMH UK website and connect with their local AiMH Hub.
Practitioners will also be further contributing to the early social and emotional wellbeing of babies by encouraging universal awareness of the importance of IMH for healthy infant development.