Resources for COVID-19 outbreak

In this time of uncertainly and rapid change, please use this page as a ‘go to’ for a variety of resources relating to helping the children we live or work with – and ourselves – navigate this new era as best we can. We will be updating it as and when needed.

The IMHAANZ FAN Training Team recorded a webinar on Mindful Self-Regulation for COVID-19 which is free for those working in frontline/helping roles. CLICK HERE to find out more and access this.

There are 4 sections to this page, each with links to further resources.

  • To support children
  • For parents and early childhood professionals
  • For pregnant women and new mothers
  • For Infant Mental Health Workers (and all helping professionals)

Helping them make sense of what is going on is important.

The following Zero To Thrive infographic is available as a download.

Links to user-friendly information for parents + ECE professionals:

Having resources + support makes the journey smoother.

The following Zero To Thrive infographic is available as a download.

Links to user-friendly information for parents + ECE professionals:

Knowing the latest information is useful.

According to the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists:

  • Pregnant women don’t seem to become more severely unwell from COVID-19 than the general population
  • Infection doesn’t seem to increase the risk of miscarriage
  • There is no evidence the virus can pass from pregnant mother to baby
  • There is no evidence the virus will cause abnormalities in an unborn baby
  • Caesarean section or induction of labour does not seem necessary to reduce the risk of transmission from mother to child
  • Some babies born to women with symptoms of COVID-19 in China were born prematurely, but it’s unclear whether this was due to the virus or doctors’ decisions
  • Newborn babies and infants don’t seem to be at increased risk of complications
  • COVID-19 does not seem to pass from mother to child through breastmilk, so breastfeeding is still encouraged, although women with the virus should be extra careful with hygiene and consider wearing a face mask while feeding.


Click here to access the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists Information Hub which is updated regularly.

The New Zealand College of Midwives also has an excellent range of resources and information.

And the Ministry of Health has COVID-19 information for pregnant women, and those who have recently given birth and Breastfeeding advice for women who have a confirmed or probable case of COVID-19.

Prioritising self-care and self-compassion is crucial too.

The Zero To Thrive infographic is available as a download.

Links to useful resources for professionals:

Australian mindfulness organisation, Smiling Mind, has launched Thrive Inside: a special initiative to help people stay calm and healthy in the physical constraints of their home, while remaining calm and healthy inside their mind.

A useful two page document from the NZ Institute of Wellbeing & Resilience™ on Real-time Resilience Strategies for Coping with Coronavirus.

An excellent (and quick) read from The Mighty which explains why many of us are cycling through multiple emotions daily: 10 COVID-19 Emotions You’re Not the Only One Having. has a wealth of mindfulness practices for you to try, including one on How to Practice Gratitude.

Tips and suggestions for managing Coronavirus and your wellbeing from Mind UK.

And remember:

With thanks to Zero To Thrive for the infographics used on this page.