IMHAANZ is a national charity supporting professionals who work with infants and their families.
Suggested Links
IMHAANZ has collated the following websites which may be of interest. Their inclusion does not reflect endorsement although many are closely aligned with IMHAANZ’s Mission and Vision.
World Association for Infant Mental Health
Australian Association of Infant Mental Health (AAIMHI)
The Australian affiliate of WAIMH.
Michigan Infant Mental Health Association
A very informative site with resources and education for infant mental health practitioners.
Office of the Children’s Commissioner
NZ Crown entity which advocates for infants, children and young people; this is a great local resource and monitor of child poverty.
Children Beyond Dispute
An Australian site with info and resources for separating parents with infant mental health focus.
Brainwave Trust
New Zealand site dedicated to early brain development, education and strategy.
Provider of New Zealand resources for tamariki, whanau and professionals.
Understanding Your Baby
IMHAANZ supported the development of this pamphlet, created by The Champion Centre, which helps parents understand their baby’s unique needs, especially when they are upset. This has generously been made freely available for use by practitioners and parents and can be downloaded and distributed.
Parent Infant Foundation
A UK site dedicated to Infant MentalHealth professionals and championing the First 1001 days Movement.
Zero to Three Parenting Portal
Zero to Three is an American organisation committed to disseminating useful information about the early years to parents and professionals.
Centre on the Developing Child, Harvard University
An extensive site with the latest evidence-based early brain development and relationship science, policy and practice. Includes video resources for professionals and families.
American National Child Traumatic Stress Network
An American-based resource for the public, professionals, and others who care about children and are concerned about child traumatic stress. Their resources are designed to support anyone in contact with young children in the aftermath of a traumatic event, for example the Christchurch Mosque attacks.
The MEHRIT Centre
A wealth of resources pertaining to self-regulation (with an ECE focus) but also much, much more.
Alberta Family Wellness resource
A great Canadian website focussed on science, policy and practice.
The Gift of Love (Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3)
Three videos describing infant mental health made for IIMHL by Deborah Weatherston and Denise Guy (Past President IMHAANZ)
Alison Gopnik TED talk
What do babies think?
Annie Murphy Paul TED talk
What we learn before we are born.
Amy Huffer TED Talk
Introduction to what infant mental health means and why it is important.
Sharon Oughton TED Talk
Psychotherapist introducing the importance of early relationships and impact on brain development.
Terrie Rose TED Talk
Introducing importance of ‘going up river’ to prevent later difficulties through early intervention for vulnerable families.
Vonda Jump TED Talk
Looking at what babies need to develop, and the importance of being held, talked to and observed.
Centre on the Developing Child: Harvard InBrief: The Science of Neglect
The impact of neglect on baby brain development.
Berry Brazelton: The basic needs of children
A 2-part interview with Berry Brazelton (Paediatrician and developer of the Neonatal Behavioral Observation and Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale).
Circle of Security International Tour of the circle
An animation introducing the Circle of Security
Colwyn Tervarthen, Early Mother and Infant Interaction
A presentation illustrating very young babies’ capabilities.
Edward Tronick Still Face Experiment
An overview of the still face experiment.